Friday, June 3, 2011

Around the Campground

We spent Thursday, 6/2 getting organized & familiarizing ourselves with the campground. It was about 10º warmer than usual when we arrived Wednesday, & since Kira hasn’t lost all her winter double coat of fur, she was too warm. She & I both needed to do some walking, so I took her over to the side of the parking area to a small creek flowing into the River. Oh my, she never got to play in fresh, fast, cool water like this before!


I even took off my shoes & socks to cool my feet in the water. Wild honeysuckle filled the air with the most delicious aroma! They’re yellow tho instead of the coral color I’m used to seeing. It was a great beginning.


We took a walk in the evening along the River.




We both start working tomorrow (Friday). Now what exactly would you call what we’ve been doing for the past month??  I can’t imagine any work at the campground being as hard as what we’ve done to get here!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting safely launched. I know it will take awhile to just decompress from the big move. I had a dream (nightmare?) early this morning that I was trying to move apartments (I haven't lived in an apartment in 30 years...)and while I had tons of friends helping, the stuff just kept multiplying. Woke up and was relieved that I am still in my 3 room hotel suite in Honduras with a fraction of what I used to have. I also woke up with renewed resolve to pare down further. I'll be following your new life with interest. And prayers. :)


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